Many sources have considered the best time to consume glutamine after exercise. In this case, glutamine helps to increase the production of human growth hormone (HGH) in the body. Up to 30 minutes after exercise, if you use glutamine supplement, muscle protein synthesis will be helped and recovery will be accelerated. After exercise, the body’s ability to absorb nutrients increases, and this time is considered a good time to use amino acids so that the muscle tissue can remain in an ideal state and prevent muscle wasting. For people with diabetes, this is an advantage. Because a high amount of sugar in the blood is needed to perform daily activities. If these people’s blood sugar decreases due to exercise, this may lead to the death of diabetics. Therefore, the best time to consume glutamine during training is before or after it; Because the amount of energy that is taken from carbohydrates during exercise must be supplied to the body afterward. After waking up, consuming this substance is also very useful. Because during the whole night, the body does not receive any nutrients and by taking this supplement, it absorbs it quickly. However, when you have professional sports activities, it is better to consume this substance before or after training so that the body receives the fuel it needs to provide energy and does not have to use muscle mass for this purpose. If you want glutamine buy online, read this article until the end:
Taking Glutamine Before Bed
Growth hormone reaches its maximum value during sleep. Many studies have shown that if you consume 5 grams of glutamine before going to sleep, a significant increase in growth hormone secretion will be observed.
Taking Glutamine After Waking Up
At this time, your body is away from nutrients for about 8 hours and it is a good time for absorption. For this purpose, pour the glutamine powder into the amount determined for you and use it after mixing.
Glutamine Intake During Exercise
In some sources, it is stated that you can use glutamine while doing sports to have better sports performance. Because at this time, the need of muscles and organs for amino acids increases. 2 hours before the start of exercise is also a good time to consume glutamine; In this case, sports performance may be improved. As mentioned, this substance is made naturally or synthetically in the body. For more information visit the website

I graduated from the California Institute of Technology in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in software development. While in school, I earned the 205 Edmund Gains Award for my exemplary academic performance and leadership skills. Now I am living in Dubai, UAE.